Topics in Audiovisual Translation
This talk will consider issues in audiovisual translation, focusing on the cultural and pragma-linguistic aspects of translation, as they serve to introduce, manipulate and present texts that shape both the source and target cultures, albeit in different ways and, often, for different purposes. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the study of audiovisual translation began, much emphasis was put on the technical peculiarities of movies and television programmes rather than on their linguistic and cultural components. However, over the past two decades there has been an increasing number of researchers interested in the cultural and language aspects as well. I will be talking about topics such as multilingualism, culture specifics and the work of volunteer translators for web sites such as Wikipedia and TED.


罗伯托·瓦尔迪昂(Roberto A. Valdeón),欧洲科学院院士、欧洲科学基金会成员,西班牙奥维耶多大学英语语言研究教授,美国马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校访问学者
罗伯托·瓦尔迪昂(Roberto A. Valdeón),欧洲科学院院士、欧洲科学基金会成员,西班牙奥维耶多大学英语语言研究教授,美国马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校访问学者,比利时鲁汶大学客座教授,南非自由州大学研究员,中国暨南大学、华中科技大学、南开大学、北京第二外国语大学以及英国斯特灵大学名誉教授。先后在国际顶级期刊发表论文120多篇,如《语言和跨文化交际》(Language and Intercultural Communication)、《跨语言和文化》(Across Languages and Cultures)、《元语言》(Meta)、《跨文化语用学》(Intercultural Pragmatics)、《术语》(Terminology)、《译者》(The Translator)、《语用学刊》(Journal of Pragmatics)、《目标-国际翻译研究期刊》(Target-International Journal of Translation Studies)、《巴别塔-国际翻译期刊》(Babel-International Journal of Translation)、《国际应用语言学期刊》(International Journal of Applied Linguistics)、《语言学季刊》(Philological Quarterly)、《新闻学、翻译及口译研究》(Journalism and Translating and Interpreting Studies)等期刊。担任《目标-国际翻译研究期刊》(Target-International Journal of Translation Studies)、《元语言》(Meta)、《欧洲翻译研究期刊》(European Journal of Translation Studies)、《跨语言和文化》(Across Languages and Cultures)和《语言和跨文化交际》(Language and Intercultural Communication)编委会成员,翻译学国际知名期刊《视角》(Perspectives Studies in Translation Theory and Practice)主编,“本雅明翻译文库”(Benjamins Translation Library)总编辑。
