The annual MLES International Education Fair is the exchange event tailor-designed for Maple Leaf students and parents, is the taking off window of realizing Maple Leaf students’ dream of further studies overseas, and is the best showcase platform for universities and colleges to attract Maple Leaf students.In 2005, the first Fair was successfully held in Dalian with 18 universities and colleges participating. The number of participating institutions has been steadily increasing over the past years and a total of 89 universities from 12 countries and regions will participate in the roadshow held in Dalian, Tianjin, Xi’an, Chongqing, Wuhan, Zhenjiang and Shanghai this year, including 28 of the MLES Global Top 100 institutions, a new record! Including students, parents and others, the total number of participants this year is projected to surpass 15,000!MLES Official Wechat will introduce participating institutions for students and their parents. Please read the relevant information firstly, take the valuable opportunity of our Education Fair to proactively communicate with the representatives and make an informed decision for higher education.
加拿大篇 Canada
兰加拉娱乐艺术中心位于“北好莱坞”温哥华市中心,毗邻Emily Carr大学,CDM数字媒体中心,并且被大型特效以及游戏公司环绕。学校重点专业为3D动画,视觉特效,以及游戏设计。2020年还将开展娱乐创新科技,娱乐管理等专业。课程由行业专家教授,也与众多公司例如Ubisoft,cinesite,DD等建立了战略合作为学生提供在读期间实习机会,学生毕业即可申请3年毕业工签进入北美影视游戏公司,成为改变全球娱乐行业的艺术家。
Langara Centre for Entertainment Arts
Langara Centre for Entertainment Arts in Vancouver is a hub for students that gives them the tools they need to pursue exciting careers in film, TV and gaming. At Langara Centre for Entertainment Arts you will have the opportunity to learn from top professionals in the industry and showcase your work to the companies working on some of the biggest projects in the field. Recommended top 3 programs: 3D Animation, Visual Effects and Game Design.
加拿大爱德华王子岛大学位于加拿大联邦诞生地,爱德华王子岛省。该大学在加拿大中小型大学中名列前茅。学校有着优秀的教职员工,一流的教学设备,极佳的学习氛围和社区环境, 学术要求严谨,质量优良。政府大力投资高等教育,使得学费更加合理。小班制的教学有利于促进师生间及同学间的互动,加强团队的合作精神。这也是学生选择爱德华王子岛大学的首要考虑因素。爱德华王子岛大学拥有众多知名获奖教授,其中4名教授还曾获得加拿大最高教育奖项—3M教学奖。学校每年提供$520万加元奖学金,并设有多种专项国际留学生奖学金。毕业后王子岛工作6个月可以申请移民,移民加国更方便快捷。特色专业:商科,工程,精算,计算机(游戏设计),护理,文科,教育,动物医学,和应用数学与统计。
University of Prince Edward Island
The University of Prince Edward Island is located in Charlottetown, PEI, a flourishing community of over 60,000 people and the Birthplace of Canadian Confederation. It is a university recognized for combining teaching excellence with research innovation. Home to about 4,700 students, the UPEI campus is friendly and safe. With excellent undergraduate, graduate and professional programs offered in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Engineering, Business, Vet Medicine, Nursing and Education. UPEI is a destination university dedicated to the success of its students and graduates with an intimate learning environment. Students like the small class sizes, family atmosphere, access to professors, and emphasis on great teaching and supportive learning experience. With a growing number of international students from over 80 countries, UPEI has international student advisers, an English Academic Preparation program and an International Student Connections "Buddy" Program, which matches new and returning students. UPEI’s students are prime participants in collaborative research to a degree that is often not possible in larger institutions. A great university should be transformative for students, through the power of knowledge, for communities and for their futures. That's the principle behind everything at the University of Prince Edward Island.
菲尔莱狄更斯大学建校于1942年,是致力于全球化教育的非盈利大学。温哥华校区几乎每个同学都来自不同国家的小班课,免费一对一补习,高达七万美金的奖学金,以温哥华学费到美国跟英国校区就读体验,以及到联合国实习,参与模拟联合国会议等机会是造就全面发展的地球人的梦想校园!推荐专业:商业与管理(全球商学院联盟认证),信息技术,酒店与旅游管理 (全球排名第五)。
Fairleigh Dickinson Unviersity Vancouver Campus
Founded in 1942, being New Jersey's largest non-profit University, FDU a center of academic excellence dedicated to prepare world citizens through global education. FDU Vancouver is your home away from home, hosting 900 students from 80 countries. You benefit from up to U$76000 entrance scholarship with small classes, attending NMUN conference or Internship with UN, meeting Diplomats/distinguished speakers regularly, study abroad in USA or UK campuses with Vancouver tuition. Recommended field of study: Business and Management; Arts and Hospitality (No. 5 in the world ); Information Technology.