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阅读量:3845752 2019-10-27

How talented are students from India and China's top universities, such as Tsinghua University or an IIT, compared to students from America's top universities like Harvard or MIT?

Raghu Venkataraman, studied at University of Michigan Ross School of Business
The top universities in India and China attract the best brains in their country. And there are simply more of them. The top 1 percent of India and China has a denominator of 1 billion people.
I would postulate that they many of them could use some intensive training in English speaking and social skills, but not much more to hold their own against the Harvard chaps, or others of that ilk.
They don’t need to go to a Western University to prove their worth.
The prime motivator for a majority of them to join a Master’s program in the US or Europe is often just to be able to use the Western university brand and placement offices to land them a good job. I would warrant that they may pick up some useful skills at Harvard, MIT, or Caltech along the way, but I would say that their incremental contributions are overrated.
Not surprisingly, the “best” companies restrict their searches on the “best” schools. In many ways a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is a matter of efficient search. The concentration of opportunities in the “great” schools will not go away, but they will have less impact on individual success. At least I hope so!
The West offers more opportunities to work in stimulating environments. And that is one area where Western companies do excel.
The US is the country where the idea of - “who you are is a function of what you can do, and not where you are from” - is the most powerful among developed nations.
May Mona
Students from top American universities achieve more career success compared to students from top Indian or Chinese universities. That is because American universities not only provide students with a better quality of education, but also better prepare them for the real world.
Indians and Chinese are intelligent for sure. But memorizing entire textbooks is different from being creative and having a risk-taking attitude. American students have a combination of both (intelligence and creativity), or at least a better handle on the latter. Indians and Chinese are better at the former (memorizing and following a routine). And guess who dominates the field of tech, especially in terms of innovations? Americans and sometimes foreign born individuals who studied in American universities. They ask the right questions and are passionate about their career field. Asians go into STEM because it's lucrative and their parents wanted them to. They study well and get good jobs. But they're not the ones who sit in their basement in the middle of the night and invent entire operating systems. Americans do that.
In other words, American universities produce more talented and driven individuals
Vishakh Menon, Gives advice on college admissions
Students in top universities in India or China would be way smarter than Harvard or MIT students. Just to get into IIT you need to take the IIT-JEE, which has been called one of the hardest tests in the world. The gaokao test is also extremely difficult. Students who score the highest on these tests get into schools like IIT and Tsinghua University.
And then we have Harvard and MIT. There is no minimum grade, there is no hard entrance exam. Harvard and MIT admissions counselors look at, not only academics, but also extracurricular activities and passions that the student has. They have a holistic admissions process that looks at the applicant as a person, not a bunch of test scores. This isn’t saying that Harvard students are dumb, they just have 2–3 passions. Question asked during the admissions process include, Do you have the power to do more, Have you pushed yourself, Do you have a very clear passion, and what have you done to increase your interest in a subject. These are just some of the questions that are asked.
In conclusion, schools like IIT accept people who spend 18 out of 24 hours studying, but are extremely smart and Harvard admits students who are living life their way, and are doing things they like.
Sorry for the extremely long answer. Hope this helped!
译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/48668.html 译者:Joyceliu
William Beeman, Professor and Chair, University of Minnesota
Tsinghua and IIT are the equivalent of the best universities in the United States. They may be much better, in fact. Admission to these universities is far more competitive than MIT or Harvard, and for technical subjects, they are considerably better than Harvard, and for some MIT programs as well.
Students from India or China who think that “any Ivy League University” is better than Tsinghua or IIT are simply wrong. If they can gain admission to either of these superb universities (Tsinghua or IIT) as well as many other excellent universities outside of the U.S. (several Saudi Arabian universities are the best in the world in chemical engineering, for example), they should absolutely do so. They will get an equivalent or better education there, and they will save enormous amounts of money.
At the graduate level there may be excellent reasons for studying in Ph.D. programs (NOT universities—individual programs), in the United States for specialized training. Students graduating from Tsinghua or IIT or their equivalent, AND WHO DO EXCELLENT WORK, will gain admission to the best graduate programs in the world
Danial Ali Shah, studied at Head Start
Talent depends on every individual, you cannot categorize a whole population based on talent. However, I will say that Indian and Chinese Students are way tougher as they go through an extremely ruthless and stressful education system. Asian students have a much better grasp of physics, math and all other concepts in engineering courses. I personally know IIT students who followed masters degree in the top engineering universities in America and Europe. They breezed through the courses and did not find any difficulty in doing them in contrast to the rest of the students.
Asian students face 100 times more pressure than the average MIT student and are more studious. The expectations from their families and society is unbearable, they are in this rat race from an early age, they get smacked by their teachers and families. Its a life or death situation for some students. Add to that many of these students face ragging(bullying) in college. Add all these factors, you get a really tough hard working student. I feel that SOME Harvard or MIT students feel entitled and their life is not even 10% as difficult compared to those of top Asian students.
And it is not like they are all mindless robots. That was the case 5–10 years ago when majority of students were only hell bent on getting a job and had no other ambition. Even, then the emergence of so many Indians in silicon valley occured and IITians became CEOs of companies like microsoft. Nowadays, many IITians are involved in innovation and are responsible for an increasing amount of start ups in India. Creativity is flourishing, there is a wealth of smart and beneficial engineering brains in India and China
I’ll only address a subset of your question.
I am a basic WASP geriatric individual who has had a couple of very bad years from a health standpoint.
Of the many doctors I’ve been helped by covering oncology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, urology and cardiology- the physicians who graduated from medical school in India before coming here to practice have been far more empathetic, intellectual, sensitive and communicative than my American educated doctors. Consistently.
Not sure if it’s just cultural ethos or Indian education nurturing. On the other side of the coin, one of my Harvard trained American doctors was so arrogant that I can’t believe he keeps many patients. Just my two cents
Arty Harjai, Education counselor
Being a counsellor in India I would like to comment on the comparison of the IITians with the Ivy League students! I have lived in the Silicon Valley for about a year and have witnessed the contributions of the IITians first hand . It is a well known fact that IITians are driving the big companies and start ups in the US! The contribution of an IITian to the US economy has been discussed in the media and political circles! I would say that an IITian would be better than a Harvard graduate!
Nolan Aubb, B.S. Physics (2008)
Talent can only be expressed when there are various opportunities, pathways to success. I think each school has roughly equal amount of talent. I think that ANY school has talent students provided that school can actually cultivate ihat talent and then present opportunities for it to bloom in.
Indian and Chinese universities may not be able to provide the same opportunities as MIT can to their students. You need collaborators, investors, access to technologies at a reasonable price. If resources are few, then cultivated talent may not properly bloom.
I think that may be the advantage of MIT. They present their students with opportunities. IIT and Tsingua need to do the same.
Answer Hsu, B.A. Investing & Computer Science, Sun Yat-Sen University (2016)
When it comes to intelligence, no difference. In hubei province, every year more than 500 thousand high school graduates compete for less than 100 seats. Horrifyingly just 1 in 5000 of those students get the tickets to Tsinghua , however, the stuation is worse in henan province, which is 1 /8000.
When it comes to creativity, it truely is. China lags behind in terms of technology, no matter social technology or natural technology. Take computer science, which is my major, for example, we were required to use forign textbooks, our professor once told us textbooks written by chinese were bullshit. In the future maybe China can outrun America with regard to technology, whereas at the moment it is better for China to follow America, which is somehow regarded as lack of creativity.
When it comes to delivering speech, American are really good at that.
James Leland Harp, studied at Harvard University
A2A. How talented are students from India and China's top universities, such as Tsinghua University or an IIT, compared to students from America's top universities like Harvard or MIT?
Based on being in classrooms of Chinese and Indian students at Berkeley, Stanford, and Harvard, top students from Tsinghua and from top IITs are the same as top students from US top research universities.
David P. Chassin, PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria (2018)
Based on my 30 years experience hiring and supervising engineers from many countries including both India and China I would say the average of those who come to the US is above the US average but with a smaller variance. In other words the very best US students are far better but there are more generally good ones from India and China. I have been told that the very best from those countries do not come to the US. But in my opinion, if you want the best of the best, the French and Russians engineers from their top schools are all around better than anyone else including the US.
Manali Chatterjee, studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
I think much has been already discussed a lot.
I would like to add one point more in this discussion that the ecosystem of MIT/Harvard is far smarter than IIT (don’t know about China). In IIT students are more interested in getting a job of fat package than research. most of the UG students of IITs (of which the institute is widely famous) lacks critical thinking. But this is the same group of students which had cleared IIT JEE, an extremely competitive and difficult exam. I think that it is more of the ecosystem that nourishes their tender brain to dream more about getting a job than cultivating critical thinking ability.


