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佛山好嘢 | 秋色巡游最全观看攻略来了

阅读量:3791844 2019-10-25

Keyword: Foshan Qiuse Parade
A traditional folk activity lasting for over 600 years
Foshan Qiuse is coming!
Colorful lanterns, simulated objects, wonderful programs

往年秋色巡游照片 穿行者摄
2019年“岭南味 佛山品”首届佛山文旅欢乐季系列活动之2019广东(佛山)非遗周暨佛山秋色巡游活动要来啦!
2019 Guangdong (Foshan) Intangible Cultural Heritage Week and Foshan Qiuse Parade is coming! It is also a part of "Lingnan Taste, Foshan Rhythm" the first Foshan Culture and Tourism Happy Season series of activities.
On November 1 and 2, two nights in a row, the Qiuse Parade will be staged at Zumiao historical and cultural block of Chancheng District. All processions will start from Zumiao Memorial Gate Square and show the beautiful scenery along the route of about 3.5km.

It is reported that 8 floats with different themes will shine at the parade. What do the floats look like this year? Let's have a look!

《佛山韵律 秋醉岭南》效果图
Design sketch of "Foshan Rhythm, Lingnan Autumn"
一只“凤凰”将安装在彩车《佛山韵律 秋醉岭南》的顶部,与祥云、龙、书画等传统元素组合,传递五谷丰登、百业兴旺的美好寓意。
A "phoenix" will be installed at the top of the "Foshan Rhythm, Lingnan Autumn" float with the combination of traditional elements such as auspicious cloud, dragon, calligraphy, etc., which expresses the best wishes of a bumper year and prosperous industry.

《民族大团结 中华再腾飞》效果图
Design sketch of "Great Unity of Nations, Rise of China"
彩车《民族大团结 中华再腾飞》则更具时尚感,应用了最新的LED屏技术,亮灯时会有炫丽的彩闪效果以及图案展示,通过屏幕展示佛山城市形象。彩车顶部,还有一团用灯光技术形成的火焰,寓意着红红火火。
Applying the latest LED screen technology, the "Great Unity of Nations, Rise of China" float shows a modern sense. It has dazzling flashing light effect when lighted up and shows the city image of Foshan through screen. At the top of the float, there is a fire formed by lighting technology, sending a booming meaning.

《共圆中国梦 奋进新时代》效果图
Design sketch of "Realize the Chinese Dream, Strive for a New Era"
今年恰逢新中国成立70周年,彩车《共圆中国梦 奋进新时代》以此为主题,融入了许多城市发展的元素。彩车以火红的色彩为主调,由万里长城、华表、奔马、绸带、繁花等元素组成。
This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Taking this as the theme, the float integrates many elements of urban development. With red as the dominant tone, the float is consist of the Great wall, ornamental column, galloping horse, silk belt and flowers.

《改革先锋 南粤风采》效果图
Design sketch of "Reform Pioneer, Guangdong Style"
彩车《改革先锋 南粤风采》使用了新开发的灯光技术,犹如一艘乘风破浪的帆船,由广州塔、开荒牛、展翅的飞鸟等图形组成,聚焦广东七十年来的辉煌成就与发展,向观众铺展“南粤风采”。
Using newly developed lighting technology, "Reform Pioneer, Guangdong Style" float is in the shape of a sailing boat, composed of Guangzhou Tower, energetic cattle, flying birds and other figures. It focuses on the brilliant achievements and development of Guangdong in the past 70 years and shows "southern Guangdong style" to the audience.

《繁花颂祖国 名城开新篇》效果图
Design sketch of "Praise of the Motherland, New Chapter of Foshan City"

彩车《繁花颂祖国 名城开新篇》的龙舟元素尤其亮眼,展现佛山人拼搏向上,团结奋斗的精神。该彩车还加入了佛山地标建筑,如祖庙、世纪莲、坊塔等,与岭南传统文化元素相结合,展现一派欣欣向荣的景象。
The dragon boat element of "Praise of the Motherland, New Chapter of Foshan City" float is very eye-catching, showing the fighting and united spirit of Foshan people. It also adds the images of Foshan landmark buildings like the Ancestral Temple, Century Lotus Gymnasium, Fang Tower, etc. Combing Lingnan traditional cultural elements, it draws a flourishing picture.

《壮丽七十载 辉煌复兴路》效果图
Design sketch of "Magnificent 70 Years, Glorious Revival Road"
北斗卫星、宇航员、歼灭机、运载火箭……这是彩车《壮丽七十载 辉煌复兴路》的一部分。该彩车以寓意美好的彩虹为主体,承载着新中国成立70年来科技发展的重大成就。
Beidou Satellite, astronaut, fighter aircraft, carrier rocket……are all parts of the this float. With beautiful rainbow as its main body, the float carries the great achievements in science and technology since the founding of PRC.

《携手粤港澳 扬帆新征程》效果图
Design sketch of "Join Hands within GBA , Sail for a New Journey"
彩车《携手粤港澳 扬帆新征程》以“连接”为设计概念,立体上以多彩流动交错的连续线条为造型,通过粤港澳大湾区各个城市的地标建筑,展现大湾区紧密融合,携手发展。
With the concept of "connection", shaped in continuous lines with colorful flow, the float shows the close integration and joint development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area through the landmark buildings of GBA cities.

Design sketch of "Praise New China"
The main building designs on the float are Shanghai, Zhejiang Jiaxing, Jiangxi Jinggangshan, Ruijin, Guizhou Zunyi, Shanxi Yan’an, Hebei Xibaipo and Beijing, eight areas that have significant importance to the founding of PRC, which comes through an arduous journey.

Many years ago, the colorful lanterns were mainly made of bamboo strips and paper. Nowadays, this traditional Foshan intangible cultural heritage is shining again with new technology.


2019 Foshan Qiuse
A visual feast of magnificent light and colors


