土拟在叙北部开展军事行动 诺贝尔奖史话 太平洋煤气电力公司切断北加州电力供应 - CNN10学生英语新闻20191010
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Hello and welcome to CNN 10 on this 10th day of the 10th month of 2019. It`s like a perfect 10. I`m Carl Azuz, happy as always to have you watching.
Turkish Military Operation
We`re starting with an update from the Middle East. The nation of Turkey has begun a military operation in neighboring Syria. The two countries share a border. Syria`s been torn apart by a civil war that started in 2011 and Turkey says terrorists have been trying to establish control along the border and that its military offensive is intended to destroy that and bring peace to the region. Witnesses say Turkish war planes have started launching air strikes in some areas. Syria`s government opposes the attacks. It says Turkey has hostile intentions and that it`s trying to expand its territory into Syria.
But other nations factor into this too. A few days ago the United States announced it would move its troops out of northern Syria as Turkey prepared for its attacks. About 1,000 American forces were there to keep stability and help U.S. allies hunt down terrorists. Now, international observers are concerned that those U.S. allies might be threatened. Turkey sees them as terrorists who`ve launched attacks against the Turkish government for decades. One group that America supports says it will fight Turkish forces along the Syrian border and U.S. President Donald Trump has suggested that if Turkey goes too far in harming America`s allies in the region, the U.S. will wreck Turkey`s economy.
Several other nations including the Netherlands, Germany and Egypt have all spoken out against Turkey`s military actions in Syria. One possible side effect they`re concerned about is that the Turkish operation will cause civilians in the area to leave their homes leading to a new wave of refugees in an already war torn country. Turkey says its mission is to establish safe zones near the border where refugees can be resettled.
10 Second Trivia.
Which of these scientists invented dynamite in the 1860`s? Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Nickola Tesla or Thomas Edison. It was Alfred Nobel, namesake of the Nobel Peace Prize who invented dynamite.
History of A Famous Award
At the age of 28, the young Marie (inaudible) married a French scientist named Pierre Curie. Together in their laboratory in Paris, they shared in the research that isolated (inaudible).
Utility`s Decision to Cut Power
Eight hundred thousand homes, businesses and other buildings have lost electricity in Northern California. Stores have sold out of back-up generators. Several school districts have cancelled classes. Some traffic lights are dark and though this could last for a week in some places, no single event has caused it. This is a safety measure. Pacific Gas and Electric, the largest utility company in America`s most populated state is responding to a weather forecast. Northern California is said to be under extreme danger because of high winds and dry conditions. Those are key ingredients in wildfires and PG&E is trying to prevent them from flaring up by cutting off electricity.
The company`s equipment has been blamed for causing a number of wildfires in the past and it`s agreed to pay billions of dollars in damages. It says its probable that the Campfire, California`s deadliest blaze that struck last year, started when PG&E equipment made contact with nearby trees. It says this power outage is a last resort to prevent wildfires. But critics say the company ought to improve its equipment so that it won`t have to shutdown electricity whenever conditions are dangerous. Even after the winds die down, PG&E says it will take several days to make sure nothing is damaged before it turns the lights back on.
A "Loop" of Reusable Containers
A reusable packaging company is trying to change grocery shopping. Instead of buying ice cream, for example, and later tossing out the cheap carton, the so-called milkman model would deliver dessert in a nicer container like the milk bottles used by your great grandparents, and that container would be returned, cleaned and reused. There are down sides. You can`t pick up your products immediately and it takes a lot of shipping so what`s environmentally friendly in terms of packaging isn`t in terms of the effort required to get it to and from your home. But if it takes off, it could help close the loop on trash.
Tom Szaky is on a mission to eliminate the concept of waste.
The act of throwing something away in itself isn`t bad. It`s actually incredibly convenient. The problem is where it ends up.
And it`s a big problem. About 91 percent of plastic waste ever created has never been recycled so Szaky decided to go to the source, to target the companies making the kind of single use plastic containers that constantly end up in the trash. And he started with the four largest consumer goods companies in the world, combined their sales totaled almost $285 billion in 2018.
We went to all these major companies saying, here`s this new big idea, come take a risk on it and lets ideally change the world in the process.
He called the big idea, Loop. His pitch to consumers, buy the same household products you already love plus a small deposit and we`ll send them to you in durable, reusable packaging. When you`re done, return them to be cleaned, refilled and reused by someone else. How hard of a sell was this to, you know, manufacturers and companies?
The Loop is a gargantuan (inaudible), because we`re going into Proctor and Gamble and saying, reinvent the packaging of these world famous products completely. Build production lines to fill this reinvented package. Oh, and by the way I have no proof that anyone`s going to buy it at all but they said yes because they know that there`s a garbage crisis and they really don`t want to contribute to it.
And Nestle didn`t need much convincing.
We`ve invested so much time, energy, people, resources and dollars because as we think forward to the future. We know consumers will demand more recyclable products or reusable products and so project Loop is a way for us to tip our toe into this territory and really learn a lot.
In the end, Nestle along with Proctor and Gamble, Pepsico, Unilever, Clorox and others took the leap.
Loop is an ecosystem. If it was just one company making a few products, it wouldn`t work. You need everyone coming together and it sort of became a certain, you know, snowball effect where as it got bigger the more and more companies joined even faster and faster.
Loop launched in early 2019 in a few cities with about 300 products. Since then Szaky says more than 10,000 people have signed up. It`s expanding to more cities as well and soon the products will be available in major retailers like Walgreens and Kroger.
What`s neat is you can buy it at one retailer and return it to another and so it really creates this nice network effect. We`re adding a brand every day and so, you know, things you`ll see are from eggs products to automotive products, not just one type of shampoo but, you know, in dozen different types of shampoo. And everything really growing and pushing each other.
We still don`t know if Loop will catch on. What do you think has to change in regards to the - - the consumer`s mindset in order for them to adopt this new model you`re proposing?
I`m believe that asking the consumer to change anything is an uphill battle. I think its much easier to ask the model what it can do to match the convenience the consumer wants. Loop is not the first refill idea out there, at all. But none of them have really taken off and I would argue it`s because it`s less convenient for the consumer than throw it away and buy a new one. The more we make if feel like a disposable lifestyle, the easier it will be to get mass adoption.
That mass adoption, that`s really key here.
It`s - - it`s everything. I think a lot of people are going to think about whether there`s a future in reuse by whether we succeed or not.
Because all the world`s major manufacturers are saying, we`re going to give it a shot and Loop is their shot.
10 Out of 10
We`ve heard of turbo chargers, super chargers, nitrous oxide, but what this car has under the hood, is nuts, walnuts. After hearing noises and smelling burning, the woman who owns this SUV looked under the hood and found that squirrels apparently stored 200 walnuts right there along with some grass. It took about an hour to clean everything out but the car was fine. Of course it could probably "cashewse" a tune-up. It maybe "pistashioverdue" for an oil change. You should always check the "filbert" and make sure you can see that everything else is "pine".
You don`t need to be a master "macadamiac" to make sure your engine is running like "butternut". I`m Carl Azuz, driven to make puns on CNN.