Day 415“答案+文本+译文+重点词汇”已送到!请查收!还等什么呢!

Question 1
[A] It is a new capsule made by Space X.
[B] It was launched with two astronauts aboard.
[C] It was successfully docked with the ISS in the test.
[D] It will be used to ferry astronauts from earth to the ISS.
Key: B
Question 2
[A] June.
[B] July.
[C] August.
[D] September.
Key: B
Question 1: Which of the following statement is NOT true about the Crew Dragon?
Question 2: When will the Crew Dragon deliver two astronauts to the ISS according to Space X’s plans?
A little more than 24 hours after launching from Florida's Kennedy Space Center, a capsule made by Space X successfully docked with the International Space Station. Here's why this is significant. This was a test. The company Space X was working to prove that its new capsule, the Crew Dragon Capsule, was capable of ferrying astronauts safely from earth to the ISS. No one was actually aboard the Crew Dragon when it launched.
Only after it docked with the ISS did the people who were already aboard the space station go inside the Crew Dragon.
Since NASA retired its space shuttle program in 2011, the U.S. has paid for astronauts to hitch a ride on Russia's Soyuz spacecraft to get to the ISS.
Space X could get them there on American vehicles once again. Space X is considered a private company while NASA is an agency of the Federal government, though Space X has received billions of dollars in funding from NASA. Assuming the rest of its current mission goes well, Space X plans to use its Crew Dragon Capsule to ferry two astronauts to the ISS this July.
从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心发射24小时之后,Space X公司制造的一艘宇宙飞船成功与国际空间站对接。下面我们来解释一下此次成功的重要意义。这是一次测试。Space X公司正在努力证明其新型宇宙飞船“龙”飞船能够安全地将宇航员从地球送入国际空间站(简称ISS)。“龙”飞船发射时并未真正搭载宇航员。
Space X公司可以再次用美国飞船将宇航员送入空间站。Space X公司是一家私营公司,而NASA是联邦政府机构,不过Space X公司从NASA那里获得了数十亿美元资金。如果其余任务进展顺利,Space X公司计划今年7月用“龙”飞船将两名宇航员送入太空。
Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201904/580415.shtml
capsule /?k?psju?l/ n. detachable compartment for menor instruments in a spacecraft 航天舱;太空舱
A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.
NASA is set to launch a space capsule to start human exploration into deep space.
dock/d?k/v. (of spacecraft) to join together (指宇宙飞船)对接
The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.
They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.
ferry /?fer?/v. to transport (people or goods) by boat, airplane, etc., usu. a short distance over a stretch of water, or regularly over a period of time (用船或飞机等)运送(人或货物)
Passengers were ferried to the island in a small airplane.
Everyday, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge.
shuttle /???tl/ n. a vehicle that travels into space and back to Earth and LANDS like an airplane 航天飞机
The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over.
Flags fly at half-staff at the base of the Washington Monument in memory of those who perished aboard the space shuttle Columbia.
hitch /h?t?/v. to get (free rides) in other people's cars as a way of travelling (免费)搭乘他人之车;搭便车
Can I hitch a lift with you as far as the station?
We managed to hitch aride to Abilene with a truck driver.