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阅读量:3732270 2019-10-24


2019年1月,我作为中国作家协会派遣的中国作家代表团成员,有幸受邀来印度参加2019年海得拉巴国际文学节。或许是因为我对印度文学有所了解,尤其是因为我是《泰戈尔诗选》之一,我在文学节上受到印度同行尤其是记者的“追捧”,接受了好多次采访。其中最重要的是《新印度快报》诗人记者Saima Afreen女士对我的专访。后以《中国私语》为题,发表于2月4日。
我们此次来访,应该说是中国有史以来第一个诗歌代表团访问印度,我们团规模之庞大,恐怕后无来者。非常感谢印度文学院院长 Srinivas Rao先生英明而慷慨地接受大诗人K. 萨奇达南丹先生的提议,热忱邀请我们,并主办如此重要的双边诗歌交流会。这将载入史册,将是我们代表团所有成员终身感到荣耀的非凡经历。
Causes of the Relationship betweenIndian Literature and I
---Speech delivered at the bilateral communication between Chinese poetsand Indian poets
Bei Ta
When I first came into contact with Indian literature,I didn't know it was Indian literature.
Because of the long and close literary and culturalexchanges between China and India, many stories and images in Indian literaturehave long been incorporated into Chinese literature and even Chinese oralliterature.
For example, in China there is a very famous folk fairytale about “treasure boat”: the poor child Wang Xiao got the treasure boat by chance, withwhich he often helped the weak and poor. Later after being cheated by some baseperson, he lost the treasure boat. Then,  with the help of friends here gained it. The modernfamous writer Lao She adapted this story into a pantomime in 1961, which becamea Chinese play classic.
When I was a child, I thought that this was a Chinese story.Later, I dabbled in the research field of Lao She (Mr. ShuYi, Lao She's onlyson is former leader in our institution) and got to know that his “Treasure boat” story was borrowedfrom “The Head of the House Saving Turtle, Snake and Fox”---the story in the 11thvolume of the Buddhist scripture “The Different Phases of Buddhist Laws”.Later,I learned that the prototype(basic plot) of the story was originated from “The Tiger, Monkey, Snake and People” ---theninth story in the first volume of “Panchatantra”, the India's oldest book.
Look, the Indian story has almost become a Chinesestory, or the Indian story has been hidden in the Chinese narrative, so thatordinary readers don't know it was originally an Indian story. There are a lotof such kind of examples. My mother told me some Indian stories in such a way. Thoughshe is illiterate, but she is almost a Buddhist with her mind loaded with a lotof Buddhist stories with strong moral allegories. And when she told me, I couldnot think that those were Indian stories because even Buddhism has become a Chinesereligion.
In high school, I began to borrow from the library and read poetry books byTagore. I was fondle of them admiringly. On the simple note books I wrote downmany many wonderful and meaningful lines of his poems. Later I bought books ofhis poetry. From then on, I have not been separated from those books, even inthe process of floating and relocation. I put them by my side, and take them toread from time to time especially when I am frustrated in despair. I, from RabindranathTagore's poems, get the strength of salvation and the source of comfort asYeats sighed: “Read a Tagore’s poem every day, I forget all the pains in the world.”
Tagore's poetry accompanied me almost throughout mywhole youth, later on when I was to say goodbye to the age of youth, I thought thatI really owed Tagore too much and I had to pay something back. In 2004, ZhonghuaBook Company--- one of China's oldest and most prestigious press came to ask meto translate Tagore’s poetry. It was totally up to mehow and how many poems to choose. I spent more than half a year, from quite afew Tagore's poetry books, selected about 200 poems. In 2005,my translation of Tagorepoems was published and is still quite popular as now it is published by Henan ProvincialCulture & Arts Publishing House in a new face.
I once taught a special course on foreign literaryhistory at Peking University, the top university in China. The course consistedof 20 modules, at least one of which was about Indian literature. In my poetryand prose, I utilized Indian literature as a source now and then.
January of 2019 saw me luckily invited to come toIndia to attend Hyderabad International Literary Festival, as a member of Chinesewriters’ delegation dispatched by Chinese Writers’Association. Maybe because I know something about Indian literature,especially because I'm one of the Chinese translators of Tagore’s poetry, during the literary festival I received warm receptionfrom Indian counterparts especially reporters and got several times of interviews.The most important was done by Saima Afreen the poet reporter from the NewIndian Express and published on February 4 with the title“Chinese Whispers”.
During Hyderabad International Literary Festival, I waspleasantly surprised to meet Mr. Jhaveri Dileep, the senior Indian poet. We twohad known each other’s name. later, when I returned home,with his precious help, I selected and translated the works of some of theimportant contemporary Indian poets and have them published in some Chineseliterary newspapers and magazines as a special column ofIndian contemporary poetry. After this visit, I will do another special column ofit.
Sahitya Akademi is the highest palace in the world of Indianliterature. In 2017, organized by SahityaAkademi, the Indian writers’ delegation visited China. Chinese Writers’Associationheld in Beijing a conference of communication between Indian writers andChinese writers. I was invited to be the academic chairman. So I got intimatecontact with elegant and modest literary celebrities from your great academyand had very good impression.
I know, as early as 18 years ago, invited by theacademy, Chinese Writers’Association sent a delegation of Chinesewriters led by the famous novelist, Mr. Wang Meng. They carried a 10-dayfriendly visit in your beloved country from December 5 to 16 in 2001 andattended a special seminar here in this academy.
It’s thefirst time in the history for a delegation of Chinese poetsto come and visit. I'm afraid that there would be no more delegation of Chinesepoets to come at such a large scale. We have 31 members.
Thank you very much, Dr. K. Sreenivasa Rao, Secretary of Sahitya Akademi, for your wise and generous acceptance of the suggestion of Prof. K. Satchidanandan, eminent poet andformer Secretary of Sahitya Akademi. Thank you very much for warmlyinviting us here and hosting such an important bilateral poetry communication,which will go down in history. Allmembers of our delegation will lifelong honorthe extraordinary experience.
Every one of my delegation will miss India withgratitude, write India with deep emotion, and in the future days, will try ourbest to do more contribution to peaceful intercourse, especially to literaryexchanges between our two greatest countries.


2014《诗人文摘》年度诗人 (上)






