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阅读量:3731885 2019-10-24

By Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇
10月14日,乐视及电动车法拉第未来的创始人贾跃亭按照美国《破产法》第11章,向特拉华州法庭申请了个人破产,一旦获得许可,贾跃亭将能摆脱其高达36亿美元的个人债务,美迈斯律师事务所及Pachulski Stang Ziehl Jones LLP律师事务所是贾跃亭此次破产申请的代理律所。
10月17日,贾跃亭的债权人之一上海懒财资产管理有限公司向特拉华州法庭要求驳回贾的破产申请,并对贾跃亭执行其1100万美元的仲裁裁决。美迈斯及Pachulski Stang Ziehl Jones将代表贾跃亭驳回这一要求,他们在一份采访中说:上海懒财提交的文件是“预谋已久,企图对贾跃亭进行歪曲和虚假指控”,目的是“插队到所有债权人前面,提前得到救济”。
美迈斯此次案件的主导律师为合伙人Suzzanne Uhland,Pachulski Stang Ziehl Jones的主导律师则为Jeffrey Dulberg。
U.S law firms OMM, Pachulski represent Chinese tech mogul on bankruptcy filing
Billionaire Chinese businessman Jia Yueting, founder of Internet streaming service Leshi and electric-vehicle manufacturer Faraday Future, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States. O’Melveny & Myers and Pachulski Stang Ziehl Jones are representing Jia.The court filing shows Jia owes $3.6 billion to 20 creditors, including Shenzhen Yingda Capital Management ($279 million), CITIC Bank ($233 million) and Ping An Bank ($230 million). Chapter 11 will allow Jia to set up a creditor trust for future recoveries.One of the creditors, fintech company Shanghai Lan Cai applied to the court to reject Jia’s application and sought to enforce a $11 million arbitral award against him. O’Melveny and Pachulski said in a joint statement that the company had “a long-running scheme to employ false allegations and mischaracterizations” about Jia, and wish to “‘jump to the front of the line’ to obtain a recovery ahead of — and at the expense of — all other creditors.”The lead lawyers are O’Melveny partner Suzzanne Uhland and Pachulski partner Jeffrey Dulberg.


