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每周新闻分析 | 土耳其对叙利亚边境发动军事打击

阅读量:3670216 2019-10-22

Picture Source: /news.sina.com.cn/
On Wednesday, October 9th, Turkey’s Defense Ministry announced to begin its military operation in northeastern Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the operation aims to remove the Kurdish-led forces from the border area with Turkey and create a “safe zone” for millions of Syrian refugees. The move came after the Trump administration announced the withdrawal of its troops from northern Syria, which is seen as a sign of abandoning the U.S. backed Kurdish forces in Syria. 
Despite bipartisan critics and opposition on the decision, the administration announced on Sunday with a complete withdrawal of U.S. military forces in Syria. The Kurdish majority force “Syrian Democratic Force (SDF)” and the Kurdistan Worker’s Party are the main objectives of Turkey’s military operations. These forces fought against the ISIS, the Islamic terrorist force, along with the U.S. before, but they are listed as terrorist groups by Turkey. When Turkish forces moved across the Syrian border, the Syrian Assad government denounced Turkey’s actions but had no further reactions such as confrontation with forces. As the United States withdrew its troops completely from Syria, the SDF on October 13th announced that they have reached a deal with the Syrian government. The deal included Syrian government force deployment on the Syria-Turkish border, adding fuels to the already chaotic regions. 
On October 15th, President Trump approved sanctions on Turkey under pressure from Congress and international opinions. The United States Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Ankara on October 17th to meet with the Turkish President Erdogan. After a long negotiation, President Erdogan agreed to have a five-day ceasefire on the bases that all the Kurdish forces must withdraw from the “safe zone” area that Turkey wanted to establish. Pence also indicated that the US’s sanctions will stop after Turkey turned off its military operation. The Turkish government demands a 20 miles safe zone from its border into Syria’s territory, which many accused this illegal territorial claim from Turkey. 
Russia has also responded by deploying its troops to Syria’s north as a buffer force in the face of Turkish force, but Russia’s foreign minister said Moscow will try to promote a deal that would help Turkey secure its border while ensuring Syria’s territorial integrity. Russian President Vladimir Putin has also invited Erdogan to Moscow to discuss the issue this week. Russia has backed the Syrian government in its multi-faceted war and its recent deal with the SDF. The analysis predicts that Russia will try its best to broker a deal that damages Syria the least, meaning a smaller “safe zone” for Turkey. However, Turkey’s attitude toward the “safe zone” has been tough, the issue could go to serious debate. Both Kurdish and Turkish officials have said that Kurdish forces are withdrawing the area, but Turkey’s actions after the five-day ceasefire remain in question. This is an ongoing scene.  
Picture Source: /sohu.com/
文稿/ CDSTT学术部
编辑 排版/ 杨曜源审核 发布/ 王嘉璇


