单位简介人大附中杭州学校由人大附中联合总校、中国人民大学附属中学联手英国国王学院学校(King’s College School, Wimbledon)共同创办。学校将承袭人大附中“创造适合每个学生发展的教育”宗旨,同时引进国王学院学校的教育理念与管理经验,通过卓越的教育质量、丰富的课内外活动、完善的学生关顾体系,为3-18 岁中外籍学生构建一个融贯中西教育、关注个体成长的学习共同体,培养具有民族根基、国际视野,富有创新精神、协作能力及社会责任感的未来青年领袖。官网:http://www.rkcshz.cn/zh
(效果图)Objectives:To support the Teachers with class and student management.协助带班教师管理学生和教学工作。 Duties and Responsibilities:工作职责1. to take part in the planning and preparation for learning as directed by the class teachers在带班教师的指导下,协助并参与各种教学活动。2. to assist in the management of students as they move to and from classes to specialist classes and remain with the class in the lesson when directed by the class teacher逢专科教师授课,需带领学生转换教室,并随班提供协助。3. to maintain discipline in the manner agreed and set out in the policy.按照学校管理政策要求维持班级纪律。4. to supervise students who live on campus管理住宿的学生。5. to be involved in the assessment of students.参与学生的评估工作。6. to play a role with the class teacher for the pastoral care of the students in their class.协助班级教师完成学生的关顾工作,并参与全校范围相关项目。7. to undertake supervisory duties on campus as directed.按要求监护学生在校内的活动。8. to accompany children to the school buses and ensure they are safely on board at the end of each day护送学生上、下校车,以确保其安全。9. to participate in the co-curricular life of the students by leading, organizing or being involved in such activities as directed.领导、组织或参与所安排的延展课程活动。10. to undertake any reasonable request made by the line manager that ensures consistent delivery of service in the School.完成其他领导交办的工作。 Skills and Experience Required:岗位要求1. Bachelor’s Degree or above本科及以上学历2. Teaching Qualification preferred有教师资格证者优先3. CET 6 or above大学英语六级及以上4. Experience of working with students in a school environment is desirable学校环境下的学生工作经验5. Knowledge of areas of teaching, pastoral care and co-curricular activities熟悉教学、学生关顾和延展课程方面相关知识6. Major:Education related相关教育专业优先 Contact us:联系我们如果你对该职位感兴趣,请将中英简历发送至:effy.qin@dipont.com,并邮件中备注你是哪个渠道看到的广告
附件:Working with us 2019.pdf请发送简历到effy.qin@dipont.com(点击“阅读原文”即可查看附件)